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How Effective is Brain Training?

Is your memory as good as it was twenty years ago? If I had to guess, I'd probably say no. Are you as good at math calculations as you were when you were in school? Again, I'd probably guess at no. A decrease in memory can be a result of many factors including, stress, preoccupation, age, illness or just a busy lifestyle. Is there any way we can change this and get back the skills and memory we had when we were young? Probably not, but many believe that we can improve on them to a noticeable degree with the use of brain training.

Brain training is exactly what the name implies. It's a method of training the brain to make its functions sharper and our memory better. We train it through repetition and challenges. When we were back in school learning math, we wouldn't be training our brains very much if we continued to do nothing more than "two plus two is four" day after day. It would be a challenge the first couple of times, but once it was mastered, it would be repetitive and no longer a challenge to our brain. This is why brain training must be new and challenging to be effective.

So, how effective are brain training softwares and games? Are they something we need or does brain training happen automatically any time we provide our brains with new challenges? This is a debate that's been going on for a few years now. While the industries that are selling the brain training software and games claim they'll help to ward off the symptoms of Alzheimer's, dementia or just poor memory due to the aging process, many scientists claim this to be propaganda and an industry just trying to make a buck off their products.

After all, if you were told your memory would stay as it was when you were young by using a certain product, chances are good that you'd rush out and buy that product. The results of many studies by the critics have them believing that our brains would receive training any time we gave it a challenge, so why do we need brain training software and games?

Their theories were based on the results of tests done on children. Some of the children used brain training games while others were given books to read and puzzles to complete. At the end of the seven week study, the children using the brain training software did not show any better memory than those doing the puzzles and reading. Their determinations were that any time we do something over and over, we get better at it, whether it's reading a new book, doing a puzzle or learning a new skill. Therefore, their belief was that we can provide our own brain training.

Brain Training to Improve Memory

We've often heard elderly people make the comment that the first thing to go is

their memory. Although memory loss is typical for seniors, even younger people

may experience decreased memory, especially if their minds are preoccupied with

many things. Research and studies have indicated that brain training can be quite

effective in improving memory.


What is Brain Training?

Brain training is when you're giving your brain stimulation in the form of work to

keep it busy. When we're young, our bodies are usually firm and fit, and they're that

way because we're physically active. As we get older, we tend to decrease the amount

of physical activity our body gets, resulting in a body that's not as fit and trim as

when we were younger. The same thing happens to our brain as we age. We may not

realize we're doing it, but we're not giving our brain as much activity or stimulation as

when we were younger. Brain training is the process of training your brain to actively think and go to work for you.

How Brain Training Can Improve Your Memory?

Brain training can do a brain good because it's putting to work areas that have not been worked in a while. Have you ever heard someone say they're not as good at math, or some other subject, as they used to be? The reason they're not as good is because they haven't done it for a while and their brain became too relaxed. Once they start working on math problems, it all comes back to them because their brain is getting necessary exercise.

Memory games are excellent ways to improve your memory, making them an excellent source of brain training. Memory games are not only good for improving memory but will also improve your fluid intelligence. Your fluid intelligence is what helps you figure out and solve problems. Improved fluid intelligence can help you at work, at school and even in your home life.

Memory games are easy to find because they come in a wide variety. They can be found online in the form of actual games or software. Many people have memory games right in their home and don't even realize it. A basic deck of cards can offer you many memory games to help stimulate your brain. Concentration is an old familiar game that many have played through the

years. What better way to improve your brain functions than a game that forces you to

constantly concentrate?

Brain Teaser

Ways You Can Provide Your Own Brain Training

Brain training is one of the most popular topics in the field or brain fitness and brain health. Everywhere we look it seems like we're seeing new tools to help us enhance our memory and increase our brainpower, whether it's with scientific brain fitness games, brain training software or just online brain power puzzles.

Don't let all these options scare you off. You don't have to buy expensive brain software if that doesn't interest you, and you don't have to start eating brain food, either! Regardless of your age, it's important to keep your memory and brain in good shape. The only negative part is that it's more difficult as we get older. It takes a little more work, but it will be worth the effort.

You can practice brain training right in your own home in your spare time. It's easy; it's fun and you'll be amazed at the difference it can make in your memory and knowledge level. Here are some simple tips and ideas on how you can practice brain training on your own.

Keep your senses working throughout the day

If you see a beautiful picture, make a mental note of what colors were in the picture and where you seen the picture. Take your time looking at the picture and trying to memorize every detail about it. Throughout the day, recall the image. The more you think about the details of the picture, the easier it will be for your brain to keep the memory and recall it at a later time.


Focus on one thing at a time

If you're trying to remember some detail in your life, tune out all other distractions and focus on the one detail. This can be a conversation you had with a friend or co-worker or a magazine article you read. By focusing solely on this one thing, you're giving your memory a much needed boost.

Practice deep breathing exercises

Breathing deeply really will relax your senses and allow your brain and mind to work easier. When you're trying too hard to remember something, your body tends to tense up and your mind freezes. However, it's much easier to store things in your memory and recall them when you're in a relaxed state of mind.

Play word association games

When you see something you want to remember later, associate it with something you aren't likely to forget. This works especially well if you have a hard time remembering people's names.

Do a crossword puzzle every day

Even if you've never done crossword puzzles, you'll be amazed at how much fun they can be and how much they'll stimulate your brain. They can be purchased in different skill levels, which can provide you and your brain with a comfortable yet stimulating challenge.

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